Thursday, April 8, 2010

As Promised

As promised here are some pictures to give a few clues about what you might see during our sojourn in England.

Remember, this is the land of gardens...

And the home of large floral chintz combined with plaid...

and fairies...

Flower Fairies and Woodland Fairies and Christmas Fairies

And so much more!

Leave a comment about what comes to your mind when you think of what you might look for if you were on a quilting holiday in England.

We'll do the usual draw at the Demo but if you have signed up as a Follower of the Sewing Basket blog you will get an extra entry and our Demo Special will have an extra boost for Followers as well.

So come join the fun!


Anonymous said...

Quilt shop hopping in England, I would look for Beatrix Potter prints, lots of florals as the UK is known for their botanical gardens. I might see some Kaffe Fasset prints. I would be looking for fabric not made in the US!

Sharon Cowan

Marj Talbot said...

I would look for a fabric with hydrandeas but might prever rhododendrons. Perhaps a pattern that would create the rhododendrons.

Marj Talbot said...

thinking more about it - maybe I'd look for a nice piece of English wool for one of my journals - of course buying a larger piece in case I wanted to make a matching item - perhaps a bag.

Lynne said...

The first place I would go would be the Victoria and Albert Museum. Loads of inspiration and exquisite needlework!

Jackie Higgs said...

If I were to take a quilting holiday in England I would think of picnics in Devon overlooking the sea, surrounded by hedgerows of wildberries, blackberries,gooseberries...
I would cherish the moment,the tranquility and beauty of it all , Devon, Wildberries, Hedgerows lining tiny country roads and Flowers..... Everywhere some wild some
I would be inspired by old country churches in the middle of nowhere surrounded by sheep,lambs and fields of wheat blowing gently under the warmth of a mid summer sky.
The ancient church,wrapped in Ivy and Moss, stands timeless,nature marries history,what a picture that paints in your mind

I would be inspired by the river and the life that it supports, both man and nature.
The little animals from Watership Down, Mr. Badger, Rattie, and of course Toad of Toad Hall. The river is the thread that weaves them together, and all of the other little creatures,tiny little Hedgehogs, baby bunnies, Robins and so many more dear little creatures, butterflies, well you can dream.....

I think if I went on a quilting holiday to England I would be inspired by the magic of it all I would be inspired to DREAM...... .


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't miss the demo' much to see and do...and so little time....Dreaming some day to go to England.....but for now this will do.

Jackie Higgs said...

What a beautiful sunny Salmon Arm morning, I hope all of my wonderful quilting friends will be inspired by the wonder of the day ahead of us. I wrote on the Blog last night about the little animals Mr. Badger, Rattie and Toad of Toad Hall who live by the river, my Mum told me they were from Watership Down but today I have remembered they are in fact characters from the delightful story Wind in the Willows.
Sorry for the mix up, enjoy the day, Jackie