Monday, February 8, 2010

Quilt Retreat

We have our bi-annual Quilt Retreat coming soon and there are still a few spaces open.
It is Thurs. - Sun. April 8-11 at Gardom Lake Bible Camp. It's a great opportunity to get some projects done. No meals to prepare, no housework, no phone interuptions!! Wow what a lot you can accomplish. Friendship & sharing is the theme. If you'd like to join us - please call asap. (250) 832-3937. The cost is $175 + gst.
Congratulations to Carol Bold - the winner of the Janome Sewing Machine. We hope you enjoy your machine Carol.

Our Open House & Show & Tell was a wonderful success. We couldn't believe how many people came. It was standing room only!! Thank you all for your support.

The Show & Tell was great. We have some very talented quilters in our midst. Your projects were beautiful. Thank you all for sharing.

With all this mild weather it's time to think about spring. We have new fabrics arriving daily. Also a huge new order of wool has come in for all you knitters. The colours are beautiful.

We've also received lots of wool roving for needlepunch.

So drop in and see all the new things.